Recent Google Ads Policy Updates: What You Need to Know

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Recent Google Ads Policy Updates: What You Need to Know

In the world of digital marketing, Google Ads has been a go-to platform for businesses of all sizes. It provides businesses with a platform to showcase their products and services to a larger audience. However, with the ever-evolving digital landscape, it is crucial to stay updated with the latest policy changes by Google Ads. In this article, we will discuss the latest policy updates made by Google Ads and what you need to know to ensure your ad campaigns remain compliant.

Policy Updates:

In June 2020, Google Ads announced several policy updates. These updates are designed to improve the overall ad experience for users and to ensure that ads are compliant with Google’s advertising policies. Some of the updates include:

  1. Banning ads for products that promote “negative” stereotypes: Google Ads has banned ads for products that promote “negative” stereotypes, including those based on race, gender, and sexual orientation. This means that businesses cannot advertise products that are deemed discriminatory or offensive.
  2. Restricting ads for medical treatments: Google Ads has implemented stricter policies for ads related to medical treatments. Advertisers must now be certified by Google before they can advertise medical treatments. Additionally, ads for treatments that are not supported by scientific consensus are prohibited.
  3. Increasing transparency for political ads: Google Ads has implemented stricter policies for political ads. Advertisers must now verify their identity and location before they can advertise political content. Additionally, political ads must include a disclosure statement that identifies the advertiser.
  4. Banning ads for “miracle” cures: Google Ads has banned ads for products that claim to provide “miracle” cures. This means that businesses cannot advertise products that are deemed to be medically unproven.


These policy updates have significant implications for businesses that advertise on Google Ads. Businesses that fail to comply with these policies risk having their ads removed from the platform or being banned from advertising on Google Ads altogether. To ensure compliance, businesses should take the following steps:

  1. Review and update ad campaigns: Businesses should review and update their ad campaigns to ensure that they are compliant with the latest policies. This may involve removing ads for products that are deemed discriminatory or offensive or ensuring that medical treatments advertised are supported by scientific consensus.
  2. Stay informed: Businesses should stay informed about the latest policy updates by Google Ads. This can be done by subscribing to Google Ads newsletters or following Google Ads on social media.
  3. Work with certified partners: Businesses that advertise medical treatments should work with certified partners to ensure compliance with Google Ads policies.


Google Ads policies are constantly evolving, and it is crucial for businesses to stay updated with the latest changes to ensure compliance. By taking the necessary steps to comply with these policies, businesses can continue to advertise on Google Ads and reach a larger audience. Contact professional Los Angeles PPC advertising firm for more information or if you need help with Google paid ads.

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